
Category Archives for "BEHAVIOR"

5 Best Non-Tracking Cat Litter You will Absolutely Love – 2018

Have you ever experienced finding little bits of cat litter all over your house? If so, you’re not alone.

Cat litter tracking is one of the most significant problems cat owners face, including yours truly. Yes, it's not a life-threatening issue, but it's still quite annoying and frustrating.

The good news is that I found quick and easy ways on how you can stop your cat from tracking cat litter all over your home to keep it clean and smelling nice.

In this post, I'll be sharing with you six ways how I keep my cats from tracking litter at home, and the five best non-tracking cat litter I've tried and tested.

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Super Easy Step-by-Step Guide How to Clean a Futon Mattress

A futon mattress is an excellent piece of furniture to have in every home, especially if you live in a small living space like an apartment. You can use it as a couch during the day and a bed at night, so you get to save on space and money.

Over time, however, your futon mattress can get dirty and stained, especially if you have pets or little children. That is why you need to clean your futon mattress on a regular basis.

Sounds like a huge task to do? Not at all!

In this article, I will be teaching you how to clean a futon mattress step by step.

Ready? Let’s get started!

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7 Crazy Answer to Why Does My Cat Poop on My Bed (and How to Solve Them)

A couple of days ago, I got a hysterical call from my friend about her cat. She nearly blew my ear off when she practically screamed this question over the phone: “why does my cat poop on my bed?

Sounds far-fetched? Overly dramatic? Not really.

In fact, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, at least 10% of cats experience some form of elimination problems. These can range from peeing on clothes to pooping on your bed and other places in the house.

Common as it may be, it can still be a frustrating and extremely annoying situation. I remember how I nearly flipped when my cat did the same thing on my bed.

That’s why in this article, I will be sharing with you the different reasons why your cat would decide to make your bed into a soft toilet as well as some tips to help you deal with this. 

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7 Weird Reasons Why Do Cats Pee on Clothes: #3’s Just Crazy!

Cats can be quite loving, playful, and affectionate. But l even the cutest cat has got his or her quirks. Some can be funny and charming while others can be downright frustrating.

That was exactly the case with my cat. Out of the blue, my cat developed this nasty habit of peeing on my clothes.

At first, I thought it was an isolated incident. However, when my cat started doing it more frequently, it drove me to find out why do cats pee on clothes.

In this article, I’ll be sharing with you seven different reasons I discovered that explain why do cats pee on clothes as well as how you can deal with this.

7 Reasons Why Do Cats Pee on Clothes (and How to Solve Them)

Reason #1: Your cat’s got a medical problem


If your cat is suffering from a health issue, it can affect his or her toilet habits. That means that he or she will not just urinate more frequently, but will also urinate where he or she usually doesn't pee in, like your clothes.


Schedule an appointment with your cat’s veterinarian. Although there are other reasons why do cats pee on clothes, it’s best to rule this one out as soon as possible. That’s because there are a lot of different health problems that may cause your cat to pee outside the litter box.

One possible reason is Idiopathic Feline Lower Urinary Tract Infection, or IFLUTD, which is a complex combination of different disorders that can include kidney stones or a blockage in your cat’s urethra.

Reason #2: Your cat’s confused

Unless your cat is fully trained to use his or her litter box, it’s possible that he or she may just be confused where to pee. This is especially true among kittens who are looking for a comfortable place where they can quickly relieve themselves. Older cats that haven’t been trained to use a litter box may also get confused where to pee as well.

If you leave your laundry basket on the ground and has a similar shape to their kitty litter box, there’s a very good chance that your cat will turn it into another litter box.


First, get rid of the smell of your cat’s urine from your clothes before washing it by using an enzyme-cleaning solution designed for cat urine. That's because even if you've washed your clothes, there may still be some traces of urine that's left on it. You may not be able to smell it, but your cat would, and this can cause him or her to pee on your clothes again.

Make it a habit never of leaving your clothes or laundry basket on the floor to avoid this from happening again.

Also, this may be a good time to give your cat a refresher course on using the kitty litter. One way to do this is to say a calm, but firm "no" to your cat when you see him or her peeing on your clothes and then bring him or her to the litter box.

Another way to do this is by shutting your cat in a room with his or her kitty litter box at night. By doing this, you’re reinforcing to your cat to use the kitty litter box when it needs to go. This will take some time, especially if you’ve rescued an older cat that may not have used a litter box.

Reason #3: Your cat’s pissed at you


Your cat's got feelings, too. Your cat can get angry with after getting scolded. He or she can also get jealous when there is a new addition to your home that they view is “stealing” the time and affection that’s supposed to be for them like if you adopt a new pet, have a baby or probably just swamped with work.

In some cases, they can also feel troubled or upset if something has changed that he or she doesn't like, such as when you move to another house. Peeing on your clothes and even on your furniture can be your cat's way of expressing these unpleasant feelings.


Taking care of your cat is very much like bringing up your kids. As the grown-up (and your cat’s owner), you have to make your cat understand that even though there are changes, it doesn't alter your love and affection towards them.

If you notice your cat started peeing on your clothes after a major event happened, the best way to go about this is to take the initiative to improve your relationship with your cat. Make an effort to spend more time playing, petting and talking to your cat more than usual. Doing this will reinforce to your cat that while there have been changes happening, your love and affection towards him or her hasn't.

Now, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't discipline your cat. You still have to enforce discipline to show your cat that what he or she is doing is bad and he or she shouldn't be doing that. But when you do, be sure to control yourself and avoid the temptation to punish your cat by shouting or even spanking him or her.

That's because two things can happen: your cat will start developing a feeling a fear towards you or it can cause your cat to retaliate even more. Either way, your relationship with your cat will be affected negatively.

Reason #4: Your cat is marking his or her territory

Adopting a new kitten can be another reason why do cats pee on your clothes, especially if both of them are male.

Part of the nature of male cats is to claim ownership to their territory. Peeing is their way of “leaving their mark” so to speak, and telling the newcomer who’s the boss in the house.


The way how your cat reacts to a newly adopted kitten is no different from the way how your child reacts when you come home with a new baby. Instead of welcoming the newest addition to the family, your cat sees your newly adopted kitten as a threat not just for your affection, but also to himself.

Again, spending time and showering your cat with love and affection is the way to go. You also need to show your cat that the new addition to the family is not a threat. Rather, a potential playmate.

Reason #5: You’re using the wrong litter box


This, it turns out, was the reason why my cat started getting into the habit of not only peeing on my clothes but also around his kitty litter box.

The last thing your cat wants is to be inconvenienced when he or she needs to relieve himself or herself. When your cat doesn’t feel comfortable using the litter box you have or find it too high or too small, your cat would prefer to do his or her business elsewhere.


Make sure that you give your cat a kitty litter box that’s large enough for him or her to move around and do his or her digging and cover the mess after. Once you see your cat starting to scratch on the side of the walls of his or her kitty litter or scratch outside the box, that’s a sign that your cat has outgrown his or her kitty litter box and it’s time to get a new one.

That was exactly the case with my cat. Up until recently, the kitty litter box he's using was the one that I got for him when he was still a kitten. It turned out that he barely had enough space in his litter box for him to fit. When I got him a much larger one, he kicked the habit.

Reason #6: You’re using the wrong kitty litter

Cats are very finicky about a lot of things, including where they relieve themselves. In addition to their litter box, the kind of litter you use can also deter your cat to use the kitty litter and pee on your clothes or elsewhere in your house.


Switch to a high-quality clumping, unscented kitty litter if you’re using a scented kitty litter. They work just as well in eliminating odors coming from your cat’s pee and poo. Also, cats have a very keen sense of smell, and they can quickly be put off by the strong scent of scented kitty litter.

Reason #7: Dirty kitty litter box


Believe it or not, another reason why do cats pee on clothes is that their kitty litter box is just way too dirty. Cats don't like the smell of their pee or their poo. So if the smell coming from their litter box is already overpowering for them, they will not use it until you clean it.


Make it a habit of scooping out the gunk from your cat's kitty litter box at least once a day, and replace the content with fresh kitty litter at least once a week. Getting a kitty litter box that automatically cleans itself can also help you make sure that your cat’s kitty litter box is always clean and ready to be used.


As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why do cats pee on your clothes. If your cat’s guilty of this behavior, remember to first eliminate the possibility of a health problem before going through any of the other possible reasons I mentioned here.

I hope you find this article very useful. If you did, why not share this with your friends or relatives that have recently shared with you that their cat started peeing on their clothes to help them out

Top 3 Secrets What Does It Mean When a Cat Winks at You: #3’s Scary!

Did my cat just wink at me?

I thought I was just seeing things. But my cat did it again.

I honestly thought that it was just an eye reflex, but my cat was staring straight at my direction. Even when I changed the place where I was, she would follow me with her gaze, and wink again.

It soon dawned on me that perhaps my cat what trying to tell me something. That's what got me interested in researching about what does it mean when a cat winks at you.

In this article, I’ll share with you what I discovered.

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